With the collapse of DEI (something that never would have arisen in a mature society interested in its own future), various nutcases who never should have been allowed anywhere near the levers of policy or power are pretending they are still – or ever were – important. They base their calls for a society and country of less progress, less prosperity, and lowered future expectations on this utter nonsense of “diversity.”
“Diversity” never won anything, never created anything but weakness, division and strife, and is the opposite of what makes a nation. Ask Yugoslavia. The idea is similar to an equally repugnant idea that goes under the name of “bipartisanship,” and both are just wordplay for the losers to get the winners on their side to destroy the game.
After 50 years of Affirmative Action had proved that giving opportunities to those who had been legally marginalized was not going to change their behavior nor alter their intellectual capability, we got “Diversity” – Affirmative Action on steroids. Suddenly, society was not going to just provide equal opportunities for all to earn their way to excellence based on how well they took advantage of those opportunities, society was going to just give them anything desired, regardless of work, study, preparation, attentiveness, capability and behavior… based solely on the color of their skin.
As evidence of this I spent much of my career at IBM, and part of that as a Systems Engineer working out of the marketing branch that covered LAUSD. While troubleshooting a local area network and its PCs in the early 1990s, I spent a week or so onsite in a History classroom at Crenshaw HS, in the middle of South Central, Los Angeles. Listening to those kids taking home books for homework being taunted as “Tryna act white” by those who could not care less about the opportunity they were being given by High School, was a daily issue. You can lead a horse to water, but… The idea society should value the taunters over the studiers is obscene. But that’s what DEI is all about: It doesn’t matter if you tried, only that you’re black.
Similarly - and from the same lefty playbook - “Bipartisanship” did not exist in the political lexicon until the GOP returned from 50 years in the wilderness in 1994. Suddenly the GOP was a majority in the House and the Democrat-Media-Complex needed a word to describe how to get Democrat policies accomplished from a minority position. “Bipartisanship” was the answer. It means “Republicans voting for Democrat policy.” The result can be seen in Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney - anything they can do to oppose the will of the voters of their own party tops their agendas.
That both of these lexiphanic abortions are amazingly stupid rarely is called out.
Obama – one of the aforementioned nutcases who gamed a system in which he could not compete based on intellect and experience – now is telling us that, “We need to rebuild the institutions that make diversity possible.” This is how a race hustler says, “We need to rebuild the institutions that enable the stupid to rule over the smart."
What must happen if we are to remain at or even near the top of geopolitical sway and industrial and informational progress is, "We need to build institutions in which diversity is irrelevant and merit the only goal.” Do we accept a few spoiled peaches in every bushel? Or do we want the best and reject the rest?
If “diverse” people want to be a part of our progress, they need to show they can provide benefit to that progress. With the opportunities they have been given, this shouldn’t be hard – it requires two things: A change in behavior away from entitlement and toward performance, and a change in attitude that, like everyone else, reward comes to those who work for it.
The farther into the Information Age we go, the more important will be reducing those who cannot compete. The choice will become failing with mediocrities lacking the brainpower and behavioral habits to produce progress at a faster rate than geopolitical competitors and having a "diverse" workforce sweeping the floors for the winners… or winning. No one cares that the losers have a more diverse workforce; only that they lost.
This idea that America can remain at the top of a heap we created via merit in the post-war world, without accepting and promoting ONLY on merit, is childish and a result of a unipolar world with no competition.
We aren't in that world anymore. And never again will be.
Obama and his crowd are bass-ackwards. Some of them know this and don’t care as it butters their bread. The vast majority of them, however, are just too stupid to grasp the consequences of putting anything before merit.
So the real issue is this: Will the rest of society be as stupid as those yammering incoherently and ignorantly about “diversity,” or will we recognize the utter uselessness and negative value of this DEI nonsense before it is too late?
The race and LGBTQ hustlers are down but not out. We have not yet cut the head off the snake. We have won one battle but the war is still on!